Portuguese [Brazilian], English, German, Italian, French, Spanish, more or less in that order, and without much showing off, everything comes and goes with daily life.
Who doesn't communicate, gets messed up. If you know what you want to say, the matter is the form, the tricks, and you finish saying it, on the paper or online, the
decision to publish [or not] is almost like reciting your hamlet.


glasklar 240x320: conceived in the past as ‘glass fragments’… fragile poems?
A bit “young”, I'd say now, maybe more tropical than intended, frisky, alike… let’s play a game…
Falling down and breaking to pieces, well, it’s just a game.

Not careless, but not much pretentious, maybe therefore nearly lost …
German readers (well, female readers, the few who read some verses translated by the author) took them,
typically German, too seriously…
They had some merit, in illo tempore, and still may have, in a moment of life - of the hand that wrote them down.
I also know about some verses lying in the tongue of more than one person, if you believe in sayings at certain
gloomy hours of silence, when gestures and lips say much more than any voice.
It remains the illusion - that man can not live by bread alone… sed in omni verbo, quod procedit de ore… poetae.

Poems (selection): In memoriam G.R.B.  *  Antigamente  *  O dragão e o santo  *  Anabel  *  Solipsismo

TESSELINHAS (Deslembranças)

tesselinhas240x320It's on the first page, as an “ANTI-PREFACE”:

“There was a preface, a very good one. Running against the sensibility of two Poets, it can't be published.
More important than any Poet is Poetry… goddess and lady of brief conversation and much mystery. Anyway
Poets must be respected - scary people of meek habit, as snails or certain birds.
And if they can get honey from words, much more.”

Tesselinhas contains the word “tessela” (lat. tessella: each piece of a mosaic), diminutive ending in “linha(s)” [line(s)]…
an obvious pun. The subtitle “Deslembranças” refers to one of the poems of this book.

I could repeat the last line of the text above (It had some merit etc.), valid here too, but… quousque tandem abutere…

Poems (selection): Megalomanias  *  Geografia de Minas  *  Prova da pedra  *  Quatro estações  *  Sonho  *  Anti-soneto  *  O sabor mais sutil


nem ostras240x320

Title playing with my dislikes for “oysters”… and “ostracism”… [not my case by the way.]

“não me atrai a ostra / seu jeito molusco / seu entorno lúrido / seu estar encerrada
numa concha negra / existência côncava / à mercê das águas / do mar da maresia

nem o bicho nem o símbolo / não me perguntem por quê / coisas de montanhês

não me atrai o ostracismo / a má fama as circunstâncias / tão-só o que tem de liberdade
ou a ilusão de… melhor é / pôr-lhe outro rótulo: / banido por livre-arbítrio

o sonho do retorno vai / queimando, vela votiva / no altar das ilusões  ---  amanhã tudo é possível”

There's a subtitle: “disperses verses” — “they're migrating birds, alas, may the winds be favorable to them!”

Poems (selection): Conhecimento  *  Ceguinho, hein?  *  Bíblica  Azulão  Filiação  Outra pedra no caminho  *  Amor na tarde  Ofertório  Frankfurt  Deus?  Ser ou parecer  Aretê