As you can only start from your own experience, and so, feeling the urgent need to express myself to the world around me and to the other far away,
with all the pros and cons, successes and failures, flavors and troubles posed by this adventure, here I am.

Writing in Portuguese ... abroad! Practically to nobody, but to myself, then who's going to read me, “far away like the devil” from the mother tongue?

After learning other languages, not only to read and speak, but very soon also to express myself coherently, thinking and feeling in another language
than the “sucked” in the mountains of Minas Gerais, I opted to write in this or that one, depending on the circumstances and giving my regular rations
in verse and prose to the bird of nostalgia that always pecks, always.

So I'm leaving [here] written testimony of my literary adventures ... not only in the mother tongue.
As already said at the home page, interested polyglots can read whatever they want into German, Italian, Spanish etc.
Beside texts in these languages I'll try to ​​put, just to be polite, the English version, as far I'll be able to.
Well, enjoy it. I'll be very pleased and gratified by the attention.


Quarteto [em si] menor (Quartet—in B—minor), 4 short stories, ca. 150 pp., in Portuguese: published as eBook : Kindle Edition
Do tempo da zagaia (Of olden times), short stories, in Portuguese
Novos mistérios dolorosos, Notturno & Fuga, Op. 7 (New sorrowful mysteries), novel, 240 pp., in Portuguese: published as eBook : Kindle Edition
 Martinelli - a negra sombra de um puma nas águas do diabo, novel, 475 pp., in German, Heidelberg, 2005, published in Portuguese como Kindle Book e como Paperback
ARACÉLIA - quando pai e filha cuja mãe de repente, novel, 216 pp., in German, Heidelberg, 2009, published as Kindle Book and Paperback
Bilu & Rafa - o pivete e o anjo, novel, 131 pp., published as Kindle Book and Paperback
Vida Paixão e Morte de Manon van Bruik, novel, published as Kindle Book and Paperback
A segunda vida de Inês Castro Rivas, novel, publiahed as Kindle Book and Paperback