People of my fondness, appreciation and respect, admiration and gratitude, to whom at the right time I had the opportunity to express my feelings, were fully aware, each in their own way, of my words and gestures, because I always wanted to be very clear, as I believe it could not be different.
The open sky of my great country, so much space, different places, and so many years living there, the memory keeps bringing up faces and names, many of them already absent, gone away, and a few others still very present, let me see if I'm going to find the words to name them all in this or that language.
The same is valid for all those coming later, people and their countries, England, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Italy, France, Portugal, Scandinavia, Netherlands, Spain and surroundings, so many people, stories, adventures… the agitated life of an uncorrigible “wanderer”…
{UNFINISHED PAGE!… Composing memories … needs a long way!}